Clojure in the Service of Her Majesty's Government

Rachel Newstead

Philip Potter

GOV.UK Verify benefits

  • single set of credentials for all of government
  • services don't have to reinvent the wheel
  • separation of data:
    • services don't get access unless you log in to them
    • identity providers don't know which service you're using

Not all services fit the current GOV.UK Verify

Presidents change over time

  • Wands belong to club, not to president
  • Need to register to the club
  • How does the Ministry know we're a real club?
  • How does the Ministry know I'm really the president?


  • Can I delegate wand registration to the club administrator?
  • Can I delegate tax affairs to my accountant?
  • Can I ensure my accountant can't register wands, nor my administrator claim tax rebates?

Identity Assurance for Organisations and Agents


Can we build something that people would want to use?

The team

User research

  • Static HTML prototype
  • How do we present the concepts?
  • What do people need?


  • Clojure service prototypes
  • What can we build?
  • Where do responsibilities lie?
  • What technology would help?

Introduction to web auth

eg OAuth, SAML, OpenID Connect

User requests to use service

Service redirects user to IdP with authentication request

User authenticates with IdP

IdP redirects user to service with signed response

Web auth with hub

User requests to use service

Service redirects user to Identity Hub Service with authentication request

User selects IdP

Hub redirects user to selected IdP with authentication request

User authenticates with IdP

IdP redirects user back to hub with signed response

Hub redirects user back to service with signed response

Technical questions

What would the architecture look like?

How many components are there?

How are responsibilities split?



  • Moving quickly
  • JSON for OpenID Connect
  • JVM


  • Lock-in?
  • Hiring?
  • This is a prototype

how was it using clojure for the first time?

for someone who had never used it before?

  • Easy to pick up
  • Concise
  • Not much code!

http requests and responses are maps

(defn app-routes [config]
      (GET "/hello/:name" [name :as request]
        (fail-> request
               (re/validate! :headers-contain "mock_authorization")
               (resp/get-header "mock_authorization")
               (say-hello name config))))))

how was it using clojure for the first time?

for a keen hobbyist?

what worked?

reloaded workflow

(defonce candela nil)

(defn go []
  (alter-var-root #'candela
    (constantly (jetty/run-jetty (cweb/app config)))))

(defn stop []
  (.stop candela))

(defn reset []
  (repl/refresh :after 'user/go))


(-> (session ring-app)
  (visit "/")
  (follow "login")
  (fill-in "User:" "username")
  (fill-in "Password:" "password")
  (press "Login")
  (has (missing? [:#no-such-element])
       "User shouldn't see the no-such-element"))

(-> (ida-session (combined-handler)
  (visit "")
  (follow "Delegate your authority")
  (visit ""
         :request-method :post)
  (follow-redirect) ; to Identity Provider
  (press "Continue")
  (follow-redirect) ; back to service

(defn combined-handler []
  (let [apps {""       michie/handler
              ""   knox/handler
              ""  candela/handler
              ""   al-kindi/handler
              "" wheatstone/handler}]
    (fn [req]
      (let [app (get apps (:server-name req)
        (app req)))))


experimenting with architecture

47 Plaza Street West, Brooklyn, NY designed by Rosario Candela, Wikipdeia

New York apartment block designed by Rosario Candela

Donald Michie


"the father of Arabic philosophy"

what didn't go so well?



was it a success?

what is happening now?

Can we build something that people would want to use?

“Remember that a primary goal during the alpha is learning. We might not be ready to make the investment in creating production-ready systems. In particular, that investment might be premature if the team learns they are not solving the right problem.”

would we use clojure for a similar project?



Philip Potter


Rachel Newstead
